
Appointment TypeDurationRateNotes
Initial Evaluation (IE)90 min$150
Follow Up Appointment60 min$130These appointments are for full PT sessions
Follow Up Appointment45 min$100These appointments are for full PT sessions
Follow Up Appointment30 min$65
Follow Up Appointment15 min$32.50These appointments are for a maintenance plan
Follow Up Appointment Package12 weeks (3 visits/week)$2700These appointments are for full PT sessions
Follow Up Appointment Package15 min (20 Appointment Package)$500These appointments are for a maintenance plan
Follow Up Appointment Package30 min (10 Appointment Package)$500
Follow Up Appointment Package45 min (5 Appointment Package)$400
Follow Up Appointment Package60 min (5 Appointment Package)$550
Risk Reduction Screen (RRS)45 min$75
Complimentary Screen15 min$0

services we offer

Corrective exercise prescription

A corrective exercise is an exercise designed to remedy the cumulative results of stresses placed on the body, helping to restore and maintain joint posture, balance, mobility, and stability. This allows the body to move freely and without pain. Exercises will be prescribed based on the results of your initial evaluation.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a physical treatment to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability that includes joint and/or soft tissue mobilization and manipulation.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Trigger point dry needling (TDN) involves placing a small needle into a muscle at the trigger point and surrounding area. This treatment results in reduced pain, an anti-inflammatory immune reaction, decreased muscle tension, and improved muscular performance. 

Blood flow restricted (BFR) rehabilitation is the brief and intermittent occlusion of venous (vein) blood flow using a tourniquet while exercising. Using this technique, you can exercise with significantly lighter weights to create the hypertrophic (growth) and stretch response that would traditionally require lifting at higher loads.

Blood Flow Restriction

IASTM is a process in which the clinician uses a set of handheld instruments to break down the scar tissue and fascial restrictions in soft tissues (e.g. muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons).

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Cupping has been around since 3000BC and its exact origin is unknown. It involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. Sometimes the cups remain in place, sometimes they are moved. The suction may facilitate healing with blood flow, and the compression around the edge of the cup encourages soft tissue remodeling, similar to that of foam rolling or massage. 

Dry Cupping 

A comprehensive evaluation to identify vulnerabilities, which if addressed, may reduce injury risk.

Injury Risk Reduction Education 

We can help measure the risk factors in your work environment that may lead to musculoskeletal disorders, pain, or injury.

Ergonomic Assessment (Car, desk, home office, etc)

Video analysis is a technique that allows us to analyze movement from various speeds and planes. It is most impactful in movements we do repeatedly, such as gait or throwing, as small deviations in movement overtime can create a large impact on the body. 

Video Movement Analysis (Gait, Running, Throwing, etc)